parent 4.1.0 API

Main API module used to interact with AdvancedServerList.
Bukkit-specific API containing interfaces and classes specific for the Paper version of AdvancedServerList.
Custom, Bukkit-specific events executed by the Bukkit version of AdvancedServerList.
Bukkit-specific objects.
BungeeCord-specific API containing interfaces and classes specific for the BungeeCord/Waterfall version of AdvancedServerList.
Custom, BungeeCord-specific events executed by the BungeeCord version of AdvancedServerList.
BungeeCord-specific objects.
Generic Event Interfaces used by AdvancedServerList.
Custom Exceptions from the API of AdvancedServerList.
Generic Objects used by the platform-specific APIs of AdvancedServerList (With exception of NullBool.
Contains Profile-related classes and alike used by the API.
Velocity-specific API containing interfaces and classes specific for the Velocity version of AdvancedServerList.
Custom, Velocity-specific events executed by the Velocity version of AdvancedServerList.
Velocity-specific objects.