All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class implementing the ToBooleanExpression interface.
Abstract class implementing the ToDoubleExpression interface.
Abstract class implementing ExpressionTemplate.
Abstract class implementing ExpressionTemplate.
Abstract class implementing ExpressionTemplate.
Abstract class implementing the ToBooleanExpression interface.
Abstract class that implements the ToDoubleExpression interface.
Abstract class that implements the ToStringExpression interface.
Abstract class that implements the ToBooleanExpression interface.
Abstract class that implements the ToDoubleExpression interface.
Abstract class that implements the ToStringExpression interface.
ValueReader converting BooleanToken instances into ExpressionTemplate instances.
Token instance representing and holding a boolean value.
Class containing static methods to convert ToBooleanExpression, ToDoubleExpression and ToStringExpression into their respective counterparts.
Class for a ExpressionParserEngine instance to use.
Class containing a collection of pre-made Tokens.
Empty interface used to extend other interfaces with.
This interface can be used to create multiple Expression parsers, all using the same core stuff.
Abstract class that can be used to create a new Builder for a ExpressionParserEngine.
Class containing a collection of pre-made methods to perform certain operations with.
Interface used to implement into classes.
Class used to parse a list of Tokens into a single ExpressionTemplate.
Class containing a collection of pre-made ExpressionTemplate actions.
The ExpressionTokenizer is responsible for turning a String into a collection of Token instances using a provided list of TokenReader instances.
The ListOperator can be used to handling a collection of ExpressionTemplates.
ValueReader creating a negated ExpressionTemplate when the first token is the provided one.
ValueReader creating a negated ExpressionTemplate should the first token be the provided one.
TokenReader instance that parses the provided Text by iterating through it until it finds a space character or hits the end of the text, to then convert into a StringToken instance.
ValueReader converting NumberToken into ExpressionTemplate instances.
Token instance representing a number (double).
TokenReader instance that reads the provided text by trying to parse it through a NumberFormatter and creates a NumberToken instance should a valid number be found.
Class used to do operations on ExpressionTemplates.
ValueReader converting a set of token into an ExpressionTemplate if the first token is the same as the first token provided and the follow-up tokens containing the second provided token.
Simple class that is used by the DefaultExpressionParserEngine and the ExpressionTokenizer for when an issue appears.
Record used to hold the position of where an issue appeared and the warning itself.
TokenReader instance that parses the provided text by looking for appearances of a provided pattern and in such a case returns the provided Token instance.
TokenReader instance that parses the provided text by looking for the appearance of the provided char.
ValueReader converting any StringToken instance into a ExpressionTemplate instance.
Token instance representing a String value.
Expression Interface to turn an expression into a boolean value.
Pre-made class that can be used through the literal method of the ToBooleanExpression interface.
Expression interface to turn an expression into a double.
Pre-made class that can be used through the literal method of the ToDoubleExpression interface.
Class used to create Tokens.
The token reader is used to find specific patterns within a provided text to then turn into a Token, "tokenizing" the text over time.
Expression interface to turn an expression into a String.
Pre-made class that can be used through the literal method of the ToStringExpression interface.
Abstract class used in other classes to create a ValueReader.